Martes, Pebrero 25, 2014

**Timeline of My Life**

This is the timeline of my life. From birth to the present time. 

Let me discuss my timeline ^__^

December 17, 1996
         =>  It's a very important day to me. Because this is the day that I was born. I think, even to my parents this day is important too.

January 26, 1997
         => This is the day that I was baptized for being a Catholic. This was done at a church near our house back in Muntinlupa City.



At the age of 4 I started to go to school.  I spent my nursery at a Catholic School near our house in Muntinlupa.  This School is Named Catherine McAuley Learning Center. The teachers at this school are Sisters or Nuns. I remember that we had many activities including me and my classmate to perform a dance number and I had fun that time. I also remember that this boy classmate of mine did something bad to me. He bit my arm and I also remember that I cried that time. Who would not cry if you’re a kid and some other kid bit you. But after that I think we made peace with each other (I don’t remember that much eh). I don’t remember that much in my Kindergarten time. All I know is that I spent my Kindergarten in a school also near our house. It is named as Muntinlupa Early Education Center.  The last stage of my preschool years is the Prep. I studied at the Bible Centered Fellowship Day Care Center. The one thing that I remember in this school year is our field trip. It was my very first field trip and as of this moment my last one hahahaha. I know I had fun that day. I remember we went to a crayon factory, to a museum then to an exhibit. It was all done in Manila. 


At this time we transferred here in Lucena. I spent my whole elementary days in Elvira Razon Aranilla Elementary School(ERAES), a school nearby, although I already started schooling in Muntinlupa.  There are so many memories  when I’m in elementary. I had many friends and I also had a bestfriend that even now we have communication.  I establish a good academic status there(I think) to the point that I became section A from section B. Even though I did not graduate with any honors, atleast I graduated in the top class and I'm proud of that ^_^.

If you're loving or liking this blog of mine and want to know more about me, please do follow or add me in the following sites:
Facebook:  Hannah.Rose.Maligaya 
Twitter: hannah_maligaya

- Hannah :)


Sabado, Pebrero 22, 2014

About Me

About Me!!!!

Hello there!. I am Hannah Rose Evangelista Maligaya but my friends call me Hannah or Hanny. I'm the author of this blog. This is my very first blog and I still don't know what will I put here but please bear with me and my writing :) Let me tell a little something about myself.

I was born on the 17 of December 1996, in Sta. Mesa, Manila. My parents are Ursulo D. Maligaya and Roselie E. Maligaya, both from Batangas.

I am an only child because my mom got married very late already. My mother gave birth when she was 43. When she was having her pre-natal care, her OB GYNE always told her that she was exited everytime my mom visited her because at 43 my mom will still have a normal delivery. And take note, she just gave birth in a lying-in center in Sta. Mesa, Manila where my ninang worked before as a midwife so she knew some doctors and nurses who attended to my mom when she gave birth. Actually, I should have had an older sibling but my mother had a miscarriage so it turned out that I'm only one.

If you notice, my birthday was the second day of Simbang Gabi.  When my mother was already feeling the pain, my dad rushed her to Fabella Hospital (near Central Market), a government hospital. Since mom was used to a clean hospital facility when she was still having a pre-natal check-up in a private hospital, she could not take the surroundings and untidy beddings this hospital had and so they left. My mom remembered my ninang, the wife of her cousin. When they last talked she offered mom help that when the time comes, just go to her and so they did. From Fabella, they went straight to Old Sta. Mesa where my ninang lives but she was still attending the Simbang Gabi when they reached her place. When she came she immediately checked on my mom since she was a midwife. Upon knowing that it will take some more hours yet before my mom should be admitted, they had breakfast first and afterwards asked her husband, mom's cousin, to start the car to bring us to the lying-in center and the rest was my coming out to the world. :)

There is a funny story of being a Hannah Rose. Mommy told me that my name should have been Ponciana, named after my lolo's Ponciano, only the female version, since they said I looked like him. I was grateful that they did not decide to actually name me Ponciana because if they did I might have the nickname Poncia or Ciana?? Ihhh I really don't wanna be called such. Jano was my lolo's nickname that's why I am Hannah now :) My second name Rose was just an addition. When they reached home, my mom realized that it will sound nice if Rose will be added to Hannah and so there goes the Hannah Rose now.

We were staying in Muntinlupa then.  I had my pre-school there. I was already in Grade I when my father died. Since my dad died, it was just the two of us left in our house. My mother's eldest sister built a three door apartment here in Lucena and had us occupy the 3rd door without asking us to pay for it. My mom just sold to this sister of her our house in Muntinlupa.  My mom transferred me then to ERAES where I finished my elementary education, had my high school at LCNHS and at present enrolled a BSIT course at ABE and hoping to finish college here. I don't know yet what will happen next. I guess employment will follow.  I really hope so. :)

Well thats the story of my life. ^_^ I hope you(lovely readers) had fun reading my story. Oh ipinapaalala ko lang na hindi fully english ang language ng blog ko, pag tinotopak lang nage-english ako. :) Well thats all for now. Thanks for reading mwuah :*
